We’d reached out to Boren Construction and a few other home builders to start the interview process after we had a preliminary house plan. The difference between Boren Construction and others was LeRoy himself. We’d spent a couple hours on the phone discussing our plan, budget, ideas etc. He took the time to ask many questions, listen to our ideas and committed to having “something” to us in a few days.
During that time, Boren continued to call, asking question, discussing requirements and presented to us in his committed time frame a plan we were happy with as well as within our budget. This showed to us that we were important to LeRoy and were impressed that he addressed our concerns, put a plan in place based on our requirements and really took the time to listen to us and not put something together that was convenient to him.
We walked out of his office a week later with a handshake agreement to move forward.
His experience, allowed anxious, first time home builders relief. Not living on the island presented an issue too but we were relieved by daily calls with updates or just a conversation to let us know how the build was coming along. Calls and emails were answered promptly and LeRoy’s ability to explain matters in our terms provided us a sense of comfort.
When accessing the property, announced or not, Boren’s subcontractors were always very polite, courteous and knowledgeable about our specific project. The highest praise however, came from our neighbors who always told us how friendly the subcontractors were and how clean the job site was maintained throughout the home construction process. Our neighbors, like us, wondered if they ever took time off as it seemed we had someone on site daily and progress was evident on every site visit.
During the construction, we were amazed by LeRoy’s creativity. We were presented ideas that we had not thought about that sets our house apart from others. The entry way trellis, custom stain and copper flashing are only a few things that make our home unique.
Every step of the way seemed to move along effortlessly even when on the rare occasion something wasn’t quite right. From choosing appliances, floors, and paints to septic design and concrete drives there was never a moment when either by phone, email or the Boren website that you didn’t know where your project was regarding budget or completion date.
Our home turned out better than we could have possibly imagined. We attribute this to Boren Construction. LeRoy’s ability to effectively communicate and listen, his exacting standards, craftsmanship and commitment to detail along with a great crew of subcontractors and office staff made our build exciting and stress free.